Byomkesh Bakshi Episode 8: Bhoot (Ghost, भूत, Byomkesh O Boroda, ব্যোমকেশ ও বরদা‌)

This story is plotted in 1936. Byomkesh visits Munger to meet his cop friend Shashank where Shashank narrates him unbelievable story of a ghost.

Baikunthdas was a famous and stingy kind of jeweler of the town who was living with her niece Sheela. Sheela was married to someone who later left her and joined a circus somewhere. Baikunthdas was found murdered in his room and he was died of strangulating. After his death police were traceable all the diamonds and gems owned by him. Also, cop Shashank described Byomkesh a strange story of a Ghost who appears in the window of that room where Baikunthdas was living and now a tenant Kailash Chandra Malik is living. That ghost peeps in the window in the night for few seconds and disappears. According to Sharda babu, Shailendra, and Kailash babu, the ghost is 14-15 feet tall that's why he is able to reach that window.

Lets watch how Byomkesh cracks this mystery after he also see that ghost at Kailash babu's room.


Byomkesh Bakshi Episode 7: Lal Neelam (A Red Sapphire, लाल नीलम, Roktomukhi Neela, রক্তমুখী নীলা)

Byomkesh Bakshi is reading a morning newspaper where he sees that a criminal Ramnath Niyogi has come out of jail after serving an 8-year sentence. He was arrested for stealing a red sapphire from the house of Maharaja Ramendra Singh, which even after his arrest was not found till date. Eight years ago, when this sapphire was stolen, Maharaja Ramendra also kept a gift of 5000 rupees in lieu of this sapphire. As soon as he is reading the newspaper, a phone call comes on which it is told that Harihar Nath, the trusted accountant of Maharaj Ramendra Singh, has been killed.

Byomkesh and Ajit arrive at Ravendra and find that Harihar Nath was not only killed but a part of his throat was cut after killing him. Byomkesh tries to understand the whole story from Ramendra.

Ramendra says that shortly before, Harihar Nath came to him to ask for a job. He told him that he was jailed for 8 years because of the crime and he came out in 7 years due to good conduct. Now he wants to lead an honest life and for this, he is looking for a job. He also told him that he knows typing.

Maharaja Ramendra had saved the people earlier also and Harihar came to him only after hearing this. Ramendra gives him a job on a salary of 50 rupees a month. Gradually, he joins the trusted men of Maharaja Ramendra who does all his work very honestly but then one day he is murdered.

ब्योमकेश बक्शी सुबह का अखबार पढ़ रहा है जहां वो देखता है की एक अपराधी रामनाथ नियोगी जेल से 8 साल की सजा पूरी कर के बाहर आया है। उसको महाराज रमेंद्र सिंह के घर से एक लाल नीलम की चोरी मे गिरफ्तार किया गया था जो की उसकी गिरफ़्तारी के बाद भी आज-तक मिल नही पाया। आठ साल पहले जब ये नीलम चोरी हुआ था तब महाराज रमेंद्र ने इस नीलम के एवज मे 5000 रुपये का उपहार भी रखा था। अखबार पढ़ते पढ़ते ही एक फोन आता है जिसपे ये बताया जाता है की महाराज रमेंद्र सिंह केभरोसेमंद मुनीम हरिहर नाथ की हत्या हो गई है।

ब्योमकेश और अजित रवेंद्र के यहाँ पहुचते हैं और पाते हैं की हरिहर नाथ की सिर्फ हत्या ही नहीं हुई थी बल्कि उसको माने के बाद उसके गले के एक हिस्से को काटा गया था। ब्योमकेश रमेन्द्र से सारी कहानी समझने का प्रयास करता है।

रमेन्द्र बताते हैं की कुछ ही समय पहले हरिहर नाथ उनके पास नौकरी मांगने आया था। उसने उनको बताया था की अपराध की वजह से उसको 8 साल की जेल हुई थी और वो अच्छे चालचलन की वजह से 7 साल मे बाहर आ गया था। अब वो एक ईमानदार ज़िंदगी बिताना चाहता है और इसके लिए उसको एक नौकरी की तलाश है। उसने ये भी बताया की वो टायपिंग जानता है।

महाराज रमेन्द्र ने पहले भी की लोगों का उद्धार किया था और यही सुन कर ही हरिहर उनके पास आया था। रमेन्द्र उसको 50 रुपये महीने की तनखा पर नौकरी दे देते हैं। धीरे धीरे वो महाराज रमेन्द्र के भरोसेमंद आदमियों मे शामिल हो जाता है जो की अपना सारा काम बहुत ही ईमानदारी से करता है मगर फिर एक दिन उनकी हत्या कर दी जाती है।


Byomkesh Bakshi Episode 6: Ret ka Daldal (रेत का दलदल, Quicksand, Chorabali, চোরাবালি, 1936)

Story and Plot (North Bengal 1936)
Byomkesh comes to meet zamindar Himanshu with his friend Tridivendra Narayan. Tridivendra tells that Himanshu is a brilliant hunter who can even shoot on the basis of sound only.

After reaching Himanshu's home his diwan Kaaligati Bhattacharya tells Himanshu that his daughter's tutor Master Harinath is missing along with old ledger journals and 6000 rupees. according to Himanshu Harinath met with him first time just on the road when he was looking for a job. he was a BSc graduate. Himanshu somehow got convinced with him and appointed him as his daughter's teacher and allotted a room behind his bungalow.

Now himanshu seeks byomkesh to help finding master ji.

ब्योमकेश अपने दोस्त त्रिदीवेन्द्र नारायण के साथ जमींदार हिमांशु रॉय से मिलने आया है। त्रिदीवेन्द्रबताते हैं की त्रिदीवेन्द्र एक बहुत अच्छे शिकारी हैं जो की शब्दभेदी निशान भी मार सकते हैं। मतलब की वो आँखों पर पट्टी बांध कर सिर्फ आवाज सुनकर भी बिल्कुल सही निशाना लगा कर अपने शिकार को गोली मार सकते हैं।

तीनों लोग हिमांशु रॉय के घर पर बैठे बाते कर ही रहे होते हैं की तभी हिमांशु की जमींदारी की देखभाल करने वाले दीवान कालीगति भट्टाचार्य आते हैं और बताते हैं की मास्टर जी 6000 रुपये और पुराने बहीखाते लेकर फरार हो गए हैं।

हिमांशु बताते हैं की मास्टर हरीनाथ एक दिन अचानक उनको रास्ते मे मिले थे। वो BSc पास थे मगर उसने पास कोई नौकरी नहीं थी इसलिए हिमांशु ने उनको अपने घर रख लिया और अब वो हिमांशु की बेटी को पढ़ाने का काम करते थे।

वो बंगले के पीछे एक कमरे मे रहते थे और वहीं एक अलमारी मे पुराने बहीखातों की किताबें रखी थी।

हिमांशु ब्योमकेश से कहता है की वो पता लगाने मे उनकी सहायता करे की मास्टर जी अचानक कहाँ गायब हो गए।


Byomkesh Bakshi Episode 5: Wasiyat (A Will, वसीयत, Arthamanartham, অর্থমনর্থম্‌)

The story where Byomkesh first meets her future wife Satyawati. Story plot is 1933, Kolkata. Byomkesh is called up by SP city in investigation of murder of Karaali Babu. Karaali babu was found murder in his room and he was chloroformed then murdered by sticking a needle in his neck. According to Byomkesh this murder was committed by a person related to medical field who has good knowledge of human body. Unfortunately police inspector is very rude and not co-operating with Byomkesh. He already made a decision that this murder is committed by Motilal who recently had a fight with Karaali Babu.

Lets see how Byomkesh unfolds mystery behind.


Byomkesh Bakshi Episode 4: Makdi Ka Ras (मकड़ी का रस, Makorshar Rosh, মাকড়সার রস)

Story and Plot:
Story plot is 1933. Nand Dulal Babu was renowned person of his time. His age is near 55 but because of a strange addiction of Spider Serum has made him looking 70 year of age.

A day while Ajit is walking with byomkesh, meets his very old friend Mohan, who is a doctor. Mohan tells them about Nand Dulal Babu and his addiction because of which he is getting Irascible, Fathead and Cruel day by day. The Serum is a type of drug which is dangerous for him, but doctor as well as Nand Dulal's family members are not able to find the source how he is getting this drug.

Byomkesh is busy, so he give this amenability to Ajit to solve the case. The episode reveals how Ajit tries to find out the source of "Makdi Ka Ras"

What is Addiction of Makdi Ka Ras?
In the start of the episode Mohan explains the duo about Tarantula Spider Serum (or extracts) which is a well known drug of America. The drug directly impacts to a person's nervous system and makes him cantankerous. It also hurts his health.


Byomkesh Bakshi Episode 3: Seemant Heera (A Frontier Diamond, सीमान्त हीरा, Seemanto-heera, সীমন্ত-হীরা)

Story and Plot:
Unbeatable Utpal Dutt appears in this episode and he plays a character of a very clever Craftsman and scientist Sir Jigerndra Narayan.

The story plot is 1932. Byomkesh gets a money order of rupee 100 with a letter from Kumar Tridenvendra Narayan to reach to their place immediately for some serious and personal issue.

Byomkesh and Ajit reach there. Tridenvendra first explains about his family history and tells them that his family has a priceless and luck diamond gem named Seemant Heera which is stolen during an exhibition. The gem was stolen by his own uncle Jigindra Narayan who is already a wealthy person. After the theft of diamond her

Kumar Tridevendra Narayan gets a letter from his uncle that diamond is stolen by his uncle. Tridenvendra calls Byomkesh to handle this case on a very personal level as it is a very serious family issue.

How Byomkesh gets the gem back from very clever and prudent Jigerndra Narayan to Tridenvendra is an interesting story.


Byomkesh Bakshi Episode 2: Raste ka kanta (रास्ते का काँटा, Pother Kanta, পথের কাঁটা)

Story and Plot
Rastey ka Kanta was also a most awaited episode on the web. Earlier only 1 part among 5 parts was available on the internet but nowhere is the full episode for you all.

The mystery also is known as Gramophone Pin Mystery in which the culprit throws a poison steeped gramophone pin from his bicycle's bell to the victim's heart and the victim dies immediately.

Ramesh Gohil - Ashutosh Mitra
Chandu Parkhi - Prafull
Shoma Chakrawarti - Tarun Yuvti
Ravi Sinha - Vilas Mallik


Byomkesh Bakshi Episode 1: Satyanveshi (The Truth Seeker, सत्यान्वेषी, Satyanweshi, সত্যান্বেষী)

Story and Plot
Satyanweshi, was the most awaited episode of Byomkesh Bakshi TV Series because it was not found on the entire web for a long time. People were eagerly waiting for Episode 1 and Episode 2 i.e. Rastey ka Kaanta, also know as "the gramophone pin mystery".

Saradindu Bandyopadhyay, the creator of Byomkesh says that this story is not 1st story of Byomkesh. He would already have gone through other mysteries but he first meets Ajit Banerjee (portrayed by KK Raina). Ajit Banerjee is shown as a writer and was the narrator of the Byomkesh detective series and people came to know about Byomkesh because of Ajit so this is known as the first mystery of the series.

Satyanweshi: Beard byomkesh comes as Manoj Kumar to investigate the mystery of serial killing in the China Town area. He stays in a lodge. The lodge is already full so he shares room of Ajit whom he met the first time. Inside the room, he creates a hole on walls, floor to guess what's happening at other places.

Suresh Bhagwat played a negative role in the episode and was again appeared as Byomkesh Bose in Episode 10- Upsanhaar. We can say that Unpsanhar was the sequel of this episode and he comes back to take revenge from Byomkesh for his prison.

Suresh Bhagwat - Anukul Babu
Manik Chaudhary - Ishwar Babu
Ashutosh Mishra - Ghanshyam
Dilip Roy Chaudhury - Bhoothnath
Arun Mathur - Police Commissioner
Gagan Gupta - Gopu
Shakti Singh - Inspector